The formula for pi buried in a hydrogen atom

One small step for electrons, one giant leap for quantum computers

Lasers etch a 'perfect' solar energy absorber

Inspired by diving bell spiders and rafts of fire ants, researchers have created a metallic structure that is so water repellent, it refuses to sink, no matter how often it is forced into water or how much it is damaged or punctured, which may lead to unsinkable ships and wearable flotation devices.

New research identifies five types of nonmonogamous relationships, each with varying odds of being working out

Immune cells rewire, repair brain while we sleep, finds a new Nature Neuroscience study, which shows for the first time in mice that microglia, which fights infections and repair damage…

New research shows that maternal exposure to a common and ubiquitous form of industrial pollution can harm the immune system of offspring and that this injury is passed along to subsequent generations, weakening the body's defenses against infections such as the influenza virus.

High schools where students are more connected to peers and adult staff, and share strong relationships with the same adults, have lower rates of suicide attempts

Glymphatic system clears toxins in the brain during sleep (2013)

Teenagers’ ability to describe negative emotions protects against depression, suggests a new study (n=233), which found teenagers who can describe their emotions in precise and nuanced ways, saying ‘I feel ashamed’ instead of simply saying ‘I feel bad’…

‘Longevity gene’ responsible for more efficient DNA repair

Embracing me-time: being alone isn’t necessarily bad, suggests a new study of first-year college students

Researchers turn a liquid metal into a plasma and observe the temperature where a liquid under high-density conditions crosses over to a plasma state

People who watched awe-inducing nature videos or virtual reality simulations consistently reported greater interest in science and greater awareness of gaps in their knowledge

Electronic cigarette use (“vaping”) is associated with wheezing in adults, according to a new study (n= 28,171), which found people who vaped were nearly twice as likely to experience wheezing compared to people who didn’t regularly use tobacco products.

Common test for mental health understanding is biased

In developmental disorders such as autism the ability to focus attention is impaired

Research Points to Possible New Therapy for Hearing Loss

For the first time in the U.S., a blood test will be available to help doctors determine if people who’ve experienced a blow to the head could have a traumatic brain injury such as brain bleeding or bruising.

Laser bursts generate electricity faster than any other method

Strong sibling bond protects against negative effects of fighting parents - Children who experience recurrent destructive conflicts between parents are at higher risk of later mental health problems

Researchers created a game that reveals the truth behind a smile. This game allows the analysis of more than 1 million forms of facial expressions.

One parameter is always enough

Researchers have developed a new live equine influenza vaccine that is safe and more protective than existing vaccines, which haven’t gotten an update in more than 25 years

Sometimes called “wear and tear” arthritis, osteoarthritis in people who are obese was long assumed to simply be a consequence of undue stress on joints

Although testicular cancer has a 95% survival rate, patients should stay alert for side effects from platinum-based chemotherapy, which is associated with health problems that can creep up years later…

Another piece to the puzzle in naked mole rats’ long, cancer-free life: Naked mole rats do experience cellular senescence, yet continue to live long, healthy lives

Low levels of alcohol consumption is potentially beneficial to brain health, by improving the function of the glymphatic system, which helps the brain clear away toxins, including those associated with Alzheimer’s disease…

Device creates particles with negative mass, and a novel way to generate lasers

New research pinpoints a source of methane in the Arctic Ocean—and finds that ancient methane trapped deep below the surface isn’t escaping into the atmosphere.

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