New study sheds light on how amino acids “evolved”

Expert: Misinformation targeting Black voters is rising — and AI could make it more “sophisticated”

Birds are eating way too much plastic

Vacuum Balloons (2020)

Fox News texts reveal the truth

AI chatbots are having their “tulip mania” moment

Are we on information overload? (2012)

How to explain the KGB's success identifying CIA agents in the field

Squirrel privilege is real: Intergenerational wealth drives animal inequality, study says

As midterms near, immigrants and voters of color being targeted with rampant misinformation

Insane ways Google has been invading our privacy –

Understanding “longtermism”: Why this suddenly influential philosophy is toxic

Would "artificial superintelligence" lead to the end of life on Earth? It's not a stupid question

Amazon Fired Six Managers After Union Vote - but Large Shareholders Plan Confrontation with Board

A giant planet may have "escaped" from our solar system, study finds

Humanity's most distant spacecraft is sending back weird signals from beyond our solar system

Potential threat of Elon Musk’s Twitter is bigger than misinformation: He can exploit your data, too

“You Are My Sunshine”: How a maudlin song became a children's classic (2013)

America Will Collapse by 2025 (2010)

Psychogenic death, the phenomenon of “thinking” yourself to death

How mRNA technology could create a new vaccine — against ticks

Contrary to popular belief, Twitter's algorithm amplifies conservatives, not liberals: study

A philosopher of science explains how birds perceive time and space differently than humans

Why Colleges are Giving Up on Remote Education

With California’s OK, Chevron is selling oil from an illegal spill

A brain implant that zaps away negative thoughts raises thorny ethical questions

Scientists say a telescope on the Moon could advance physics — and they're hoping to build one

Why is walking so good for the brain? Blame it on the Spontaneous Fluctuations

Science quietly wins one of the right’s longstanding culture wars

Edgar Allan Poe's engagement with American science

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