Astronomers discover unusual signals coming from the direction of the Milky Way’s center

Scientist discover three rare compounds in cannabis that reduce seizures in mice (including mother of all cannabinoids, CBGA, that was more potent than CBD) and provide new insights into how cannabis extracts may work to treat epilepsy.

'Charles Darwin & Alfred Wallace are only right most of the time...' University of Sydney scientists have discovered that milkweed butterflies harass & feed on live caterpillars within their species to steal chemical 'wedding gifts'…

A new strategy where patients are started on a pill containing four medicines, each at a quarter of their usual doses, has been shown to be much more effective in getting high blood pressure under control…

Those who flout COVID recommendations are less agreeable, have lower intellect, and tend to be more extroverted than those who adhere to recommendations

Evidence of a cannabis ‘entourage effect’ - Certain cannabinoids had up to 14-fold higher plasma concentrations when administered in combination, as a cannabis extract, vs alone in mice

Research finds the language in child protection documents used as evidence in court can adversely affect mothers and children who are subject to domestic violence

Student's physics homework picked up by Amazon quantum researchers

Native reptile populations on Christmas Island have been in severe decline with Lister's gecko & the blue-tailed skink disappearing from the wild

Recycling of composite materials could be up to 70 percent cheaper and lead to a 90-95 percent reduction in CO2 emissions compared to standard manufacturing

Human activity forces animals to move 70% further to survive

Cannabidiol in cannabis does not impair driving, landmark study shows

New research finds that even low levels of alcohol consumption during pregnancy can have an impact on a child’s brain development and is associated with greater psychological and behavioural problems in youth including anxiety…

A post-pandemic world: will populations be on the move

The first ever detailed study of the diet of great white sharks has shown that these fish spend a lot of time feeding near the seabed, meaning that the image of a shark hunting with its dorsal fin out of the water may be inaccurate.

Next-generation solar cells pass strict international tests

A lizard has been observed giving live birth and laying eggs from the same pregnancy. This is the first such observation in any vertebrate.

First study on the health conditions of adults one month into COVID-19 lockdown

Researchershave conducted the first global review of herbal medicines for weight loss in 19 years, finding insufficient evidence to recommend any current treatments.

Statement about the 480M animals killed in NSW bushfires since September

Scientists discover mood-altering brain receptor believed to be linked to negative moods. The discovery could lead to more targeted medications.

Insects feel persistent pain after injury, evidence suggests

Elderberries could help minimise influenza symptoms - A new study found compounds from elderberries can directly inhibit the influenza virus’s entry and replication in human cells, and can help strengthen a person’s immune response to the virus.

Sydney scientists solve 30 year wheat rust puzzle

A dog's colour could impact longevity, increase health problems - New research has revealed the life expectancy of chocolate Labradors is significantly lower than their black and yellow counterparts (n>33,000).

Study of community use of medicinal cannabis to treat childhood epilepsy found most samples contained some THC and little CBD, contrary to parents' expectations, and a majority (75%) were reported as reducing seizures, suggesting potential role for other cannabinoids in treatment-resistant epilepsy.

Walking faster could make you live longer: Walking at an average pace was found to be associated with a 20% risk reduction for all-cause mortality compared with walking at a slow pace, while walking at a brisk or fast pace (generally 5 to 6 km/hr) was associated with a risk reduction of 24%.

Eating up to 12 eggs a week does not appear to increase cardiovascular risk factors in people with pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes, new research finds – despite conflicting dietary advice continuing around the world.

Strength exercise may be just as vital as aerobic. Push ups and sit ups could add years to your life according to a new study of over 80,000 adults

The Origin of the Stored Program Concept (1985)

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