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Beyond CRISPR: seekRNA delivers a new pathway for accurate gene editing

Slow-spinning radio neutron star breaks all the rules

Undertaking the majority of daily physical activity in the evening is linked to the greatest health benefits for people living with obesity, according to researchers who followed the trajectory of 30,000 people over almost eight years.

Walking just 2,200 steps a day lowers risk of heart disease and early death

What made Earth a giant snowball 700M years ago? Scientists have an answer

A structured dance program of at least six weeks’ duration can significantly improve psychological and cognitive health outcomes equivalent to other forms of structured exercise interventions

A 20-year Australian study (n=615) has found no evidence to suggest cannabis reduces illicit opioid use, and it may not be an effective long-term method of reducing harm for those with an opioid use disorder or problematic use of opioids

New research shows Australians born in the 1990s have poorer mental health for their age than any previous generation and do not show the improvements in mental health as they age…

First study to assess how different movement patterns throughout the 24-hour day are linked to heart health found that any activity is better for your heart than sitting - even sleeping

A global team of climate scientists has reported that Earth’s vital signs have worsened beyond anything humans have seen, to the point that life on Earth is imperilled: they found 20 of 35 planetary indicators at record extremes

In people who reported doing no exercise or sport, even short bouts of incidental activity, the kind we do as part of daily living, such as choosing to walk up the stairs or vigorous housework…

Scientists use quantum device to slow chemical process by factor of 100B

Upping the intensity of daily tasks for as little as four to five minutes a day, done in short bursts of around one minute each, is linked to an overall reduction in cancer risk by up to 18 percent, and up to 32 percent for cancer types linked to physical activity

Scientists have discovered human brain signals travelling across the outer layer of neural tissue that naturally arrange themselves to resemble swirling spirals, during both resting and cognitive states, and to help organise brain activity and cognitive processing

Fungi makes meal of hard-to-recycle plastic

Humans around the world like to help

Legal use of medicinal cannabis on the rise

Researchers who compared people with frontotemporal dementia have found those born overseas who first spoke a language other than English can tolerate the disease longer before symptoms gain a foothold.

Scientists discover receptor that blocks Covid-19 infection

Na-S Battery: Low-cost with four times the capacity of lithium

A sprayable coating that prevents the surface spread of infection from bacteria and viruses (up to 99.85% and 99.94% of the bacteria strain growth), including COVID-19, over a sustained period has been developed and it can applied in the same manner as spray paint but in smaller quantities

19 percent of global food system greenhouse gas emissions are caused by transportation

Eating more meat, having less of a carbohydrate-digesting bacteria in the gut, and more pro-inflammatory immune cells in blood all link with multiple sclerosis (MS)

THC in blood and saliva are poor measures of cannabis impairment finds an analysis of all available studies

When life gives you spoiled oranges... don't make bootleg Campari - use them to make a sensor that detects cancer

Bionic eye study paves the way towards human trials

Ivermectin could help save the endangered Australian sea lion: this conservation priority species has new hope for survival thanks to a successful University of Sydney trial of the now-notorious drug to treat hookworm infection.

Why happiness is becoming more expensive and out of reach

Researcher behind discovery that the pupils of your eyes sense more than light publishes new paper, showing that they detect quantity.

"We’ve never seen anything like it" University of Sydney researchers detect strange radio waves from the heart of the Milky Way which fit no currently understood pattern of variable radio source & could suggest a new class of stellar object.

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