Rise of Archery Technology in South America Dated to 5,000 Years Ago, Linked to Increasing Social Complexity

Traces of lipids from cell membranes can be found in rocks over a billion years old

People with personality traits such as conscientiousness, extraversion and positive affect are less likely to be diagnosed with dementia than those with neuroticism and negative affect…

Programming on Parallel Machines; GPU, Multicore, Clusters and More

Maize (corn) was first domesticated about 10,000 years ago, but a new genomic study shows it didn't take off as a crop until a hybrid appeared about 5,000 years later

New Solar Cell Shows Promise for Harnessing More Sunlight

Researchers identify 'switch' to activate cancer cell death

Simulations Explain Abundance of Bright Galaxies Observed at Cosmic Dawn

Scientists characterize hundreds of volatile compounds that cats use for scent marking, and the bacteria that make them

How sunflowers see the sun

Study explores how changing autism traits are linked to mental health conditions

A newly identified gene for longevity in golden retriever dogs is related to cancer

Adding crushed rock to farmland pulls carbon out of the air

Disney princesses can be good for a child’s self-image and confidence

Blending certain ingredients in smoothies can influence its nutritional value

Can Vines Speed Urban Cooling? – UC Davis

A new study of eelgrass genomes shows that this key coastal species migrated to the Atlantic much more recently than previously thought, just 240,000 years ago

Using a mathematical approach from computer vision, researchers analyze COVID-19 mortality data to find effects of non-pharmaceutical interventions in the first year of the pandemic

The moral character of cryptographic work (2015)

70% of Food, Drinks Within Arm’s Reach Are Unhealthy

Almost half of parents using infant formula to feed babies resorted to unsafe methods, such as dilution or using expired formula, during pandemic related shortages

Positive reviews signal film will be a flop, negative reviews - a hit, study suggests: Researchers analyzed pre-release commentary and opening weekend box office revenue…

Global Transition to Electric Vehicles Needs Urgent Support, Report Warns

The sex of chicken embryos can be determined based on volatile organic compounds without opening the shell

Researchers at UC Davis analyzed samples of 36 private label avocado oil products and graded them based on quality and purity

Study of DNA from modern Africans suggests that Homo sapiens arose from multiple populations

Using a swallowed capsule, scientists can now sample metabolites and microbiome from the small intestine of healthy people, instead of relying on stool samples

Having high blood pressure in your 30s is associated with worse brain health around age 75, especially for men

Sierra Squirrels Find Their Niche Amid a Changing Climate

Single-molecule imaging shows that BRCA2 chaperones another protein onto single-stranded DNA to initiate repair of double-stranded breaks

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