A YAML based golang reverse proxy

If you have never converted Postman Collection to OpenAPI Yaml before , we at api.market have written whole documentation regarding that, please check it out and leave some feedback for future improvement.

madato XLSX, ODS, YAML, JSON to Markdown Tables published on pypi

Strict parsing of yaml (complaining about unknown fields)

Big improvements in Gonfique: Type definition generator for YAML config files

crd-to-yaml-sample generator with WASM frontend - update

From the Ashes of serde_yaml: The Dramatic Rebirth as serde_yml!

Introducing ctxi18n: simple yet flexible i18n with support for Rails-like YAML files

JSON/YAML mutation tool

YAMLScript – Program in YAML

Invoice Maker - Generate beautiful invoices from simple Typst or YAML data records

Show HN: Flatito, grep for YAML and JSON files

Fx JSON viewer now supports YAML

yaml_rust2: A successor for the unmaintained yaml_rust

We lost serde-yaml, what's the next one?

goenums: Generate type safe enums using a simple JSON or YAML config file.

I don't want 'gopkg.in/yaml.v3' to copy my parameters. How can I implement modifying values at the source address?

Abusing Conda's Turing-Complete YAML Comments

Considering then abandoning JSX for structured YAML config

22 years later, YAML now has a media type

RenderCV v1 is released! Create an elegant CV/resume from YAML.

RFC 9512: YAML Media Type

Why are we templating YAML? (2019)

YAML Parser for Dyalog APL

Show HN: A no-frills CV template using Typst and YAML to version control CV data

Trying to write a yaml file from a map[string]struct and the 'string' portion isn't translating to the output file.

Pipelight - Tiny deployment pipelines in Toml, Yaml and Js (v0.7.20)

I made a library which adds expressions and loops to YAML

TomYAML - I've started to develop another toml and yaml parser [mostly for my own fun]. Help me to come up with features.

Recursive dictionary w/ yaml loading, variable interpolation and defaults

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