Waking up just one hour earlier could reduce a person's risk of major depression by 23%

Scientists have spotted the largest flare ever recorded from the sun's nearest neighbor, the star Proxima Centauri

Antarctica's northern George VI Ice Shelf experienced record melting during the 2019-2020 summer season compared to 31 previous summers of dramatically lower melt

Horse remains reveal new insights into how Native peoples raised horses.

One sweaty, exercising person emits as many chemicals from their body as upto 5 sedentary people

How to stop thinking about something - New study used imaging to look at people’s brain activity, see thought patterns, and watch them fade as they are removed

Frequent, rapid testing could turn national Covid-19 tide within weeks

Saliva based Covid test: results in 45 minutes

Study finds growing evidence of a pandemic caused by a fungal pathogen spreading among bees worldwide

A compound produced in the gut when we eat red meat damages our arteries and may play a key role in boosting risk of heart disease as we get older, according to new research

Scientists develop tool to improve disease model accuracy - "All disease models are 'wrong,' but scientists are working to fix that"

An anticipated rise in carbon dioxide concentrations in our indoor living and working spaces by the year 2100 could lead to impaired human cognition

Groceries and Delivered Goods Decontamination Station Instructions

Wealthy, white California counties—once considered the nation’s hotbeds for autism spectrum disorder (ASD)—have seen prevalence flatten or fall in the last two decades, while rates among poor whites and minorities keep ticking up…

Breathing dirty air takes a heavy toll on gut bacteria, boosting risk of obesity, diabetes, gastrointestinal disorders and other chronic illnesses.

Abrupt thawing of permafrost will double previous estimates of potential carbon emissions from permafrost thaw in the Arctic, and is already rapidly changing the landscape and ecology of the circumpolar north…

Fatal car accidents in the United States spike by 6% during the workweek following the “spring forward” to daylight saving time, resulting in about 28 additional deaths each year, according to new University of Colorado Boulder research.

New research suggests it was climate-related drought that built the foundation for the collapse of the Assyrian Empire (whose heartland was based in today’s northern Iraq)—one of the most powerful civilizations in the ancient world.

Mold in space: NASA grant to study space station fungus

Sleeping too much, or too little, boosts heart attack risk, according to a new study of nearly a half-million people, which found those who slept fewer than six hours were 20% more likely to have a heart attack, and those who slept more than nine hours were 34% more likely.

Neuroscientists have developed a brain-inspired computer system that can look at an image and determine what emotion it evokes in people

A new timeline of Earth’s cataclysmic past

Turning water into ice in the quantum realm

Artificial gravity breaks free from science fiction

Symbolic Deadlock Analysis in Concurrent Libraries and their Clients (2009)

When more women involved in decisions of land management, the group conserves more, particularly when offered financial incentives to do so

Ice core samples suggest Candadian Arctic just experienced its warmest summer in last 115,000

Researchers developed a novel way to synthesize and optimize a naturally-occurring antibiotic that could one day be used to fight lethal drug-resistant infections like MRSA, with two new antibiotics: micrococcin P1 and thiocillin I…

Violent crime rates rise in warmer winters in study that compared temperature and crime patterns since 1979

Ancient Chaco Canyon population likely relied on imported food

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