I hear it has been fixed though

Moments in Java docs / source code that made you laugh? I had one today looking at the JRootPane doc

Hunt down social media accounts by username across social networks

Consistent Hashing Ring (zig + raylib)

Should not there be just 6 memory accesses?

I was making this model as a joke for my game, is this to offencive?

I added instant hotreloading of (some) Rust code for Dioxus 0.6!

Trippy 0.11.0 Release

12k lines later, GlazeWM, the tiling WM for Windows, is now written in Rust



Support My Journey Towards Reliable Transportation ($8500)

Why isn't the working?

Learning to coding

Kalosm 0.3: Performance improvements, real time audio transcription, and sampler aware constrained generation

Apache option is absent in eclipse || Eclipse version: 2023-12 (4.30.0) || Fedora 39

Haiiiiiii, ini post pertama gw !!!

Does anyone have the free pdf for Java illuminated 6th edition by Julie Anderson, hervé franceschi?

Someone bother solving this for me(Automata theory)

Please anyone?

Should I buy this laptop for my compsci major

The Power of Digital Identification for Employees

Implementation of enhanced second-chance algorithm without using libraries, where can I find it? Toy implementation I mean.

Is my ram dead?

How do you memorize this chart? (RNG between two intervals)

Hacker Pulse my first tui and rust repo

Help with downloading JDK

Why am I getting these weird code suggestions on VSCode with the rust-analyzer extension? I'm a beginner so if anyone has any ideas on how to fix it, I'd greatly appreciate it

CodeCrafters Redis issue (See comment in the post)

In a Rust discord some guys started setting their profile pictures as "low quality crabs", so i drew this.

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