OpenBSD 6.5 released

Removing PF

OpenBSD is adopting Cisco's current best security practices

The X hole

OpenBSD 6.4 released

Plan 9 C compiler for RISC-V by Richard Miller

Disable SMT/Hyperthreading in all Intel BIOSes

WireGuard is submitted for Linux kernel inclusion

Inflamation by Bryan Cantrill

Rewards of Up to $500,000 Offered for OpenBSD Zero-Days (and other dist.)

RETGUARD: an improved stack protector (OpenBSD)

Intel CPUs might leak information about FPU state

Theo de Raadt on Firefox security: “all I see is lipstick on a pig”

On the matter of OpenBSD breaking embargos (KRACK)

OpenBSD's httpd gets URL rewrite

WireGuard is available for OpenBSD

We didn't chase the fad of using every Intel cpu feature

Deletionism: Stackoverflow is not “some random website”

Disable IPv4 support

OpenBSD 6.3 released

Re: door opening sensor HW for OpenBSD?

GitHub auto-generated tarballs vs releases

Experimental post quantum crypto support added to OpenSSH

stack-register checking

SSL_CIPHER_description(3) weirdness

Update on two pledge-related changes [OpenBSD]

Unfortunately, StackOverflow is a difficult-to-avoid site nowadays…

amd64 Intel cpu microcode

Meltdown, aka “Dear Intel, you suck”

Theo de Raadt, 2007: “some [Intel] bugs will be exploitable from userland code.”

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