
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

We have reached OpenBSD of Theseus

Import dhcp6leased(8)

clang -fret-clean: cleaning return addresses off stack

(OpenBSD) Add sysctl to disable Nagle's algorithm

Add sysctl to disable Nagle's algorithm (RFC 896 – Congestion Control)

Excellent succinct breakdown of the xv mess, from an OpenBSD developer

Word for OpenBSD

OpenBSD – pinning all system calls

Postfix 25 years old today

OpenBSD: Removing syscall(2) from libc and kernel

OpenBSD 7.4 released -- Oct 16, 2023

Meltdown-US / Meltdown 3a Remaining Leakage

Viable ROP-free roadmap for i386/armv8/riscv64/alpha/sparc64

Re: malloc write after free error checking

OpenBSD on Zenbleed

Big Update to OpenBSD's pfsync

OpenBSD kernel relinking is not transactional and a local exploit exists

Minor stack-based buffer overflow in OpenBSD's libskey

EuroBSDCon 2023 (Coimbra Portugal September 14-17) CFP to open soon

OpenBSD: Pinsyscall, Execve, and Rop Pivots

xonly status

OpenBSD Errata: January 13, 2022 (tcp)

xonly on amd64: testing wanted

OpenBSD: Immutable Userland Mappings

FreeBSD Handbook Improvement Survey

OpenBSD/arm64 on Apple M1 systems

Why Postfix is called Postfix and IBM secure mailer

Why Is C Faster Than Java (2009)

Nftables 1.0.0 Released

Security review of "please", a sudo replacement written in Rust

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