
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

dasm 0.1.0 - Tiny instruction assembler currently supporting x86 and amd64 for use in compilers

x86 amd64 SIMD instruction list: SSE to AVX512

Don't pass structs bigger than 16 bytes on AMD64

A NetBSD/amd64 guest can now boot in 40ms

A NetBSD/amd64 guest can now boot in 18ms

Optimizing NetBSD/amd64 Kernel Boot Time: A Performance Breakthrough

Fedora Optimized Binaries for the AMD64 Architecture

xonly on amd64: testing wanted

The x86-64 processor (aka amd64, x64): Whirlwind tour

Run FreeBSD/aarch64 and FreeBSD/riscv64 Images Under FreeBSD/amd64

Go 1.18 will let you set the version of the "AMD64" architecture to target

CGo-free SQLite adds windows/amd64 support

OS108-9.1 XFCE amd64 released

Before the BSD Kernel Starts: Part One on AMD64

Emulating linux/AMD64 userland: interpreting an ELF binary

Tracing Kernel Functions: How the illumos AMD64 FBT Provider Intercepts Function Calls

Porting wine to amd64 on NetBSD, second evaluation report

Package updates for -stable branch now available for amd64, i386 soon

Porting Wine to amd64 on NetBSD, first evaluation report

Golang Gets Cheaper Context Switching on Linux/amd64

How should I run amd64 code in a browser?

Introduction to amd64 Assembly Language

NetBSD/amd64-current Amazon Web Service EC2 c5

Assembly language on OpenBSD amd64+arm64

x86 and amd64 instruction reference

Asmttpd: Web server for Linux written in amd64 assembly

RETGUARD for clang (amd64) added to -current

p2k18 Hackathon report: Philip Guenther on low level amd64 development and more

amd64 Intel cpu microcode

AMD64 APM Archive Online

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