Request to Upgrade Fedora KDE Desktop Spin to Edition Status

Fedora 41 Finally Retires Python 2.7

Fedora 41 will unify bin and sbin

F42 Change Proposal: Fedora Plasma Workstation (System-Wide)

Fedora Optimized Binaries for the AMD64 Architecture

Porting Fedora to Modern C

Download Fedora Silverblue 39

Fedora Workstation 39

Fedora 38 released with RPM now using Sequoia-PGP (written in Rust)

Fedora 38 To Prohibit Byte Swapped Xorg and Xwayland Clients

Deprecate Legacy BIOS in Fedora (System-Wide Change proposal)

The Host, Wim, and Aleksandra

Fedora 34 Available

Google has turned off access to sync features for Chromium

Fedora 33 Btrfs by default Test Day 2020-07-08

Fedora Muscian's Guide

Fedora proposes deprecating 32-bit i686 hardware support.

Fedora 28 Final status is GO

Fedora 28 Rust Test Day: 4th April 2018

Fedora KDE

[ANNOUNCE] 7 applications written in Rust are available in Fedora Rawhide - devel

Atomic (rpm-ostree+flatpak+oc cluster up) workstation

Since when is it acceptable for a distribution to alter the standard library?