A study from 2002 found that bilingual infants babble differently depending on language they associate with the person they're babbling at

A new study finds volcanic activity played a direct role in triggering extreme climate change at the end of the Triassic period 201 million year ago, wiping out almost half of all existing species

In the right context, some people may experience psychedelic-like effects from placebos alone

Physical exercise improves video game performance, according to new research

Study suggests that taking anti-inflammatories during the night, during the resting phases of the circadian rhythm, can severely deter healing and bone repair following surgery

Scientists increasingly believe that one of the driving forces in chronic pain--the number one health problem in both prevalence and burden--appears to be the memory of earlier pain

When given in a formulation that facilitates passage to the brain, lithium in doses up to 400 times lower than what is currently being prescribed for mood disorders is capable of both halting signs of advanced Alzheimer's pathology and of recovering lost cognitive abilities.

The Machine Learning Reproducibility Checklist

Research has found we are living in the fastest period of urban growth in human history

As rural China rapidly adopts clean energy, use of traditional wood and coal stoves persists

New research reveals an overlooked impact that the widely used herbicide glyphosate may be having on the environment

Study of 1200+ patients with REM sleep behavior disorder provides important predictors of Parkinson’s

People who have REM (rapid eye movement) sleep disorders are at higher risk of developing Parkinson's disease.

One of the largest field experiments ever conducted is providing the best evidence yet in support of a key Darwinian theory—that interactions between species are stronger toward the tropics and lower elevations.

Men and women remember pain differently, finds a new study in both mice and humans - Men remembered earlier painful experiences clearly

Key molecule responsible for learning and memory discovered

New research on why ordinary people like you and me take risks suggests that unexpected improvements in everyday life (sunshine after many days of rain or a win by a local sports team) are correlated with a change in a city’s mood and an increased likelihood that it’s citizens will do risky things.

Parents shouldn’t worry if their infant doesn’t sleep through the night by 6-12 months of age, suggests a new study of close to 400 infants which found no association between interrupted sleep and later developmental problems.

Lessons Learned in Migrating from Swing to JavaFX

People who have better spatial memory are also better at identifying odors

Ocean acidification caused by high levels of human-made CO2 is dissolving the seafloor - The ocean floor as we know it is dissolving rapidly as a result of human activity, finds a new study.

Creation of solider ants (Mcgill university)

A sprawling study of spiders across northern Canada has turned up more than 100 species in provinces or territories where they had never before been recorded which provides a new benchmark for monitoring biodiversity across Canada’s northern expanses.

People are less likely to trust the advice or directions of a person with a foreign accent

A study has found adults are able to accurately read a range of emotions in the voices of teens

Deforestation possibly contributed to the collapse of Mayan civilization more than 1,000 years ago

Unique brain “fingerprint” can predict drug effectiveness

Higher levels of testosterone and DHEA predict weaker religious ties among older men

The secret to longevity may be in the microbiome and the gut - Scientists fed fruit flies a combination of probiotics and a herbal supplement called Triphala that was able to prolong the flies’ longevity by 60% and protect them against chronic diseases associated with aging.

The ecosystem of React Native can be improved, beyond technically

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