List of UNIX Alternatives With Desirable Capabilities

FetLife in trouble

99 Bottles of Beer One Liner with f-strings. – make sure you read the terms

Teamspeak 3 RCE advisory

Clay and Clay - Two, safer languages for systems programming

History of C and why it's garbage

An Open Letter (The DAO Attacker)

Internal irc-log of the tor-project reveals debate about hiring an ex-CIA agent

Udacity CS Learning tree I made for a friend

[meta] Regarding low-quality "beginners' tutorial" posts to this sub

Don't know if this is the correct place but, this my first use of tkinter: a Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy program [Incom]

I was fired from Google because I made a mistake in background check form

Pokemon in Batch: A completely working engine with full mechanics, 350 Pokemon/150 moves. Got bored over the holidays and it got a bit out of hand

My first ever python project (Automatic Web Crawler) Tips on cleaning it up and making it faster?

Ocaml's unusual object system in a nutshell

Today's world is amd64, armv7, and soon aarch64. Everything else is dead, Jim

Techniques for dilution, misdirection and control of a internet forum (2012)

Apple doesn’t allow Chaos Computer Club content on its platform

"Burn-in": The Other Side to Programmer "Burn-out"

Just finished V2.0 of my first game on Python. Take a look.

Totally Honest Software Engineering Negotiations

Totally Honest Software Engineering Negotiations

Curated links to understand dangers of BitcoinXT

An Amazon Programmer’s Perspective (x-post)

CSRF to steal Bitcoins from Agora via email link

Transparency and the programming community

Show HN: PEP – an idea to help bring password managers to the masses

Advice for those seeking salary increases

The perpetual playthings

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