Scientists find impact-related microspherules in the skulls of animal bones dug up from Alaska dated to the Late Pleistocene, suggesting they may have died from comet impacts 11,000-46,000 years ago.

Detox tea linked to woman's liver failure

Two dolphins apparently died from decompression sickness after battling squid

Patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease have altered gut bacteria compared to matched control subjects

Hypertension may be widely misdiagnosed simply because doctors don't let patients rest long enough before measuring blood pressure

In a new survey, 2,106 doctors in the U.S. estimate that 22% of medical prescriptions, 24.9% of tests, and 11.1% of procedures are unnecessary

'Dark DNA' Could Change How We Think About Evolution

Cancer patients who reject chemotherapy or other modern medicine in favor of alternative medicine are likelier to die

The Legendary Study That Embarrassed Wine Experts Across the Globe (2014)

Snail shells encase and kill parasitic worms

Scientists have found the world's oldest fossil mushroom, at 120 million-years-old

A study comparing treadmill running and outdoor running found that subjects needed to run 15% faster on a treadmill to reach the same level of exertion during an interval training workout.

Engineers have created bricks out of simulated Martian soil

A study involving 13,520 French teens finds that religiosity and playing video games are linked to sexism

Study of 4,811 physically-active British public servants finds that extended sitting is not associated with developing type 2 diabetes.

Researchers explain how people are able to see and hear meteors at the same time even though they are miles away.

Scientists have spotted an immense region of space 490 million light years away apparently devoid of galaxies

Scientists activate predatory kill behaviors in lab mice by stimulating the central nucleus of the amygdala with laser light.

First animal cells may have been created by viruses

Scientists have found the oldest evidence for right-handedness in a 1.8-million-year-old fossil of our ancestor Homo habilis.

Archaeologists have found flint tools and a bone with saw marks between 300,000 and 420,000 years old in Israel's Qesem Cave

Map of Universe's Voids Solves Cosmic Puzzle

Scientists have found a spot in China where the ground stays frozen all year round, even through summers where temperatures rise above eighty degrees.

Systematic review of 156 randomized controlled trials finds that testosterone supplementation to treat "Low T" does not improve cardiovascular health, sexual function, physical function, mood…

Researchers have identified a set of highly interconnected areas in the brain that they suggest could be the seat of consciousness.

Scientists have sequenced the genome of the 1,000-kilogram ocean sunfish, the largest bony fish, providing clues to its incredible growth rate.

Researchers have created a simple phone/tablet game that diagnoses Autism by measuring touch patterns

A white plague that infected coral off Florida between 2014 and 2015 was one of the most lethal disease outbreaks ever recorded in a coral reef.

Human babies undergo a "mini-puberty" as newborns

Researchers link a large extinction event in the Late Triassic to an asteroid impact that occurred 215 million years ago in what is now Quebec.

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