Postgres Index Types

Force push with care

Creating basic chrome extensions

Markoff: A Free Markdown Previewer for OS X

Announcing Scenic - Versioned Database Views for Rails

Painting a Picture of Mental Health

Let's Not (2012)

Show HN: Administrate – Rails framework for creating flexible admin dashboards

Input/Output Redirection in the Shell

Thinking in Types

CSVKit Brings the Unix Philosophy to CSV

Building Haskell Projects with Halcyon and Heroku

Replace CoffeeScript with ES6

Handling Security Issues In Open Source Projects

Why Fixed Bids Are Bad For Clients, Too

PGP and You

Use Git Hooks to Automate Necessary but Annoying Tasks

Git's "Intent to Add"

Real-World Haskell: Carnival, a Blog Commenting Service

Why Postgres Won't Always Use an Index

Applicative Options Parsing in Haskell