
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

State Monad for the Rest of Us

You probably wrote half a monad by accident

Implementing the IO monad in Java for questionable fun and less profit

The "Monad Tutorial Fallacy" (2009)

Monad Tutorials Timeline

No Nonsense Monad and Functor (By César Tron-Lozai) [video]

React (/ SwiftUI / Flutter) and the IO monad in Haskell - The common theme between them

A Elegant Library for Using Rust-like Monad and Iterator

The Meaning of Monad in MonadTrans

What does it mean for a monad to be strong?

The Monad Problem

GitHub to replace monad icon in the issues button

Monad's Mid-Year Status Report (Rust adjacent blog)

Monad Transformers 101

Announcing Try an idiomatic error monad for golang 1.18+.

Improving code readability in functional C# using Linq to Monad

Not a Monad Tutorial

Hexagonal Architecture vs. Free Monad

A monad is a monoid in the category of endofunctors. Whats the problem?

Monad Confusion and the Blurry Line Between Data and Computation

The Lazy Monad

The Tardis Monad

What Is IO Monad?

What Color Is Your Monad

monio: The most powerful IO monad implementation in JS

Game rules with a Free Monad DSL

Std: Execution, Sender/Receiver, and the Continuation Monad

Show HN: Result monad for Elixir inspired by Rust Result type

Abstraction, intuition, and the “monad tutorial fallacy” (2009)

Monads, part six: But, really, what is a monad?

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