The Meaning of Monad in MonadTrans

Break Gently with Pattern Synonyms

Haskell Proposal: Simplify Deriving

Quick Memory Trick

Effectful Property Testing

Write Junior Code

Names do not transmit meaning

Keep your types small

Sum Types In SQL

Laziness Quiz

The Trouble with Typed Errors

Three Layer Haskell Cake

Stealing Where from Rust

Haskell Performance Debugging

Type Safety Back and Forth

Using GHC CallStacks

Invert Your Mocks!

Basic Type-Level Programming in Haskell

Maybe? Use a type parameter!

Grokking Fix

How do type classes differ from interfaces?

Exploratory Haskell (2015)

Clean Alternatives with MaybeT

Rank 'n Classy Limited Effects

Incremental API takeover with Haskell Servant

An Elegant Fizzbuzz

The Magic of Folds

Proving With Types

Template Haskell Is Not Scary