UCLA researchers discover genes tied to dementia in key early step toward new therapies

UCLA sociology study reveals that rich women like rich men, whereas rich men like slender women

Mobile device developed at UCLA could make it easier to predict and control harmful algal blooms

8,000 new antibiotic combinations are surprisingly effective, UCLA biologists report

A team of UCLA biologists has discovered thousands of four- and five-drug combinations of antibiotics that are more effective at killing harmful bacteria than the prevailing views suggested

Dual-layer solar cell developed at UCLA sets record for efficiently generating power - The team’s new cell converts 22.4 percent of the incoming energy from the sun, a record in power conversion efficiency for a perovskite–CIGS tandem solar cell…

Using a genetic technique that allows certain neurons in the brain to be switched on or off, UCLA scientists reversed a sensory impairment in mice with symptoms of autism, enabling them to learn a sensory task as quickly as healthy mice

Researchers at UCLA have developed a novel method for tracking the activity of small molecules in the brain, including the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine, pairing tiny artificial receptors with semiconductor devices that are able to function in living tissue

Brain’s support cells may play a central role in repetitive behaviors related to OCD.UCLA researchers have uncovered some of the basic brain mechanisms behind repetitive behavior, which may ultimately lead to new ways to treat psychiatric disorders…

UCLA researchers identify link between gut bacteria and eating for pleasure, as opposed to hunger

Hookah smoking raises cardiovascular risk comparable to traditional cigarette smoking, UCLA study finds

UCLA researchers discover how the body regenerates blood vessel lining

In new research, UCLA scientists have shown that at the connections between brain cells — which often are located far from the central control centers of the cells — methyl groups also dot chains of RNA

UCLA psychologists find that young adults tend to prioritize parents over friends: When young adults played a card game with the understanding that their decisions could benefit either their parents or their friends, they were substantially more likely to choose their parents.

UCLA bioengineers have demonstrated that a gel-like material containing tiny magnetic particles could be used to manage chronic pain from disease or injury in a study that demonstrates the promising use of biomechanical forces that push and pull on cells to treat disease

UCLA researchers have created a 3D-printed artificial neural network that uses light photons to rapidly process information

People across cultures and continents are largely able to tell the difference between a fake laugh and a real one, according to a new study by a UCLA researcher

UCLA scientists develop new semiconductor with record-high thermal conductivity

UCLA researchers discover potential reason for unusual atmospheric wave on Venus

UCLA’s new photodetector could improve night vision, thermal sensing and medical imaging

A UCLA-led study has found how colon cancer alters its genes during development in order to avoid detection by the immune system, creating a specific genetic imprint in the process

UCLA researchers have produced X-rays by simply unrolling Scotch tape (2008)

UCLA biologists ‘transfer’ a memory

UCLA scientists have identified specific gut bacteria that play an essential role in the anti-seizure effects of the high-fat, low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet

Biomaterial developed at UCLA helps regrow brain tissue after stroke in mice

UCLA biologists report they have transferred a memory from one marine snail to another, creating an artificial memory, by injecting RNA from one to another

UCLA scientists identify 2 hormones that burn fat faster, prevent and reverse diabetes in mice

Researchers at UCLA have developed a vaccine believed to be able to protect people from three pathogens likely to be used in bioterrorism: Anthrax, Tularemia and Plague.

UCLA-led research finds vaccines against anthrax, plague and tularemia are effective in mice

UCLA Secure UNIX (1977-1979)

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