Treating insomnia with digital programs can improve insomnia symptoms, daytime functioning and overall health

Much of the published medical research goes unread by the general public and medical community

Males have greater reproductive success if they spend more time taking care of kids, finds a new study based on mountain gorillas by anthropologists.

Researchers develop blood test that tells the biological time of your body—which might be very different from the time on the clock

A pregnant woman’s high blood sugar level is linked to a significantly greater long-term risk of obesity in her child—even more than a decade later, a new study reports

Climate change linked to potential population decline in bees

20-week Study: Facial exercises help middle-aged appear more youthful

More students report carrying guns in Chicago than in New York or Los Angeles, a new Northwestern Medicine study shows

Study finds why a mutated gene causes seizures in some children who have autism

Scientists found food allergy happens when a mix of factors coexist at once, including genetics, use of infant cleansing wipes that leave soap on the skin, exposure to dust and exposure to food from those providing infant care…