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Public trust in drinking water safety is low globally, finds study of 148,585 adults in 141 countries, with trust lowest in Zambia, and highest in Singapore

U.S. maternal death rate increasing at an alarming rate

New robotic actuator extends and contracts like a biological muscle, in a crawling soft robot that bends in tight environments and an artificial bicep that lifts weights

Being near and having more exposure to urban green space and blue (water) space is linked to lower (up to 35% less) odds of having coronary artery calcification in middle age (an early marker of cardiovascular disease), especially for Blacks and those living in economically deprived neighborhoods

Fatherhood’s hidden heart health toll: Being a father may put men at an even greater risk of poor heart health later in life, reports a new study

Loneliness in adulthood follows a U-shaped pattern: it's higher in younger and older adulthood, and lowest during middle adulthood, reports a new study that examined nine longitudinal studies from around the world.


Engineering viruses to kill deadly pathogens: researchers modified DNA from a “phage,” a type of virus that infects and replicates inside bacteria

Immune genes are altered in Alzheimer’s disease patients’ blood - Viral infections or environmental factors could have put person at risk for Alzheimer’s, scientists suggest

Scientists created a cream of synthetic melanin that mimicking the natural melanin in human skin and can be applied topically to injured skin, where it accelerates wound healing

A fuel cell that harvests energy from microbes living in dirt

Taking inspiration from the human brain, researchers have developed a new synaptic transistor capable of higher-level thinking

Researchers developed immersive VR goggles for mice, this enable researchers to map brain activities as mice navigate these scenes and they can understand the neural circuitry underlying behaviors

Paid family leave boosted postpartum wellbeing, breastfeeding rates

One sleepless night can rapidly reverse depression for several days in mice

Inverted perovskite solar cell breaks 25% efficiency record

11% of the world’s billionaires have held or sought political office

Reconfigurable transistors for more efficient AI on-device classification

Being a vegetarian may be partly in your genes: using data from 5,324 strict vegetarians researchers identified 3 genes that are significantly associated with vegetarianism and another 31 genes that are potentially associated

Pulling carbon dioxide right out of the air at low humidities and releases it at high humidities, using innovative kinetic methodologies and a diversity of ions…

New finding might explain why quasars flare and fade so quickly

Researchers have developed the first electronic device for continuously wireless monitoring the health of transplanted organs in real time that can detected warning signs of rejection up to three weeks earlier than current monitoring methods

If the Chicago region replaced 30% of all on-road combustion-engine vehicles — including motorcycles, passenger cars and trucks, buses, refuse trucks and short- and long-haul trucks — with electric versions, it would annually save more than 1,000 lives and over $10 billion…

Covid patients breathe out large amounts of virus early on

New study in mice finds dopamine neurons are more diverse than previously thought: they can control also movement, not just rewards

Social media algorithms exploit how we learn from our peers

More green spaces linked to slower biological aging

Stellar demolition derby births powerful gamma-ray burst: Never-before-seen scenario suggests a new way to destroy a star

Scientists -after 100 years of research- solved the mystery of what the temporal pole region of the brain does: it has critical functions in word comprehension…

Mysterious dashes revealed in Milky Way’s center: Hundreds of horizontal filaments point toward our central supermassive black hole

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