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The Drunken Plagiarists - Working with Co-pilots

Life lessons from the first half-century of my career

Soundness and Completeness: Defined With Precision [2019]

Derivative grammars: a symbolic approach to parsing with derivatives

Software Bugs Led to 'One of the Greatest Miscarriages of Justice'

C Is Not a Low-level Language (2018)

Why can't programmers be more like ants? Or a lesson in stigmergy (2015)

TensorRight: Automated Verification of Tensor Graph Rewrites

I was wrong about the ethics crisis

Program Synthesis and Large Language Models

Intel's Fall from Grace

Controlling AI's Growing Energy Needs

Computer Architecture, Fifth Edition: A Quantitative Approach (2011)

Compilation on the GPU? A Feasibility Study

You Don't Know Jack about Bandwidth

Ending Affirmative Action Harms Diversity Without Improving Academic Merit [pdf]

Compilation on the GPU? A feasibility study

Decentralized social media ‘increases citizen empowerment’, says Oxford study

A “meta-optics” camera that is the size of a grain of salt

The "Community Notes" (formerly "Birdwatch") feature on X/Twitter did not significantly slow the spread of misinformation on X/Twitter, because it was too slow

The Design of a Self-Compiling C Transpiler Targeting POSIX Shell

Bloat beneath Python’s Scales: A Fine-Grained Inter-Project Dependency Analysis

Between the Booms: AI in Winter – Communications of the ACM

The Rise of Bluesky

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, What Is the Best Topology of Them All?

Remembering Grace Hopper

Rhombus: A New Spin on Macros (2023)

Computing with Time: Microarchitectural Weird Machines

The Secret of Ramsey Numbers

Counterexamples in Safe Rust

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