A joke in approximating numbers raised to irrational powers

A joke in approximating numbers raised to irrational powers

How to Compose Math Problems

An animated introduction to Fourier series

Challenging software projects some programmers should try

The Sinusoidal Tetris

The math exams of my life

Writing a simple 16 bit VM in less than 125 lines of C

A tale of Java Hash Tables

Demystifying bitwise operations, a gentle C tutorial

A bitwise snake game in C

Building pathological input for Java HashMaps - hash collisions generator

4 integers are enough to write a Snake Game

A blog that is a single executable binary

(2021) Writing your own linear algebra matrix library in C

Hash, displace, and compress: Perfect hashing with Java

Hash, displace, and compress: Perfect hashing with Java

Writing a register based VM in less than 125 lines of C code

A Tale of Java Hash Tables

Implementing Hash Tables in C

"Cars and Police", my first attempt of using the streaming database ksqlDB