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Narcissists feel ostracized more frequently than their less self-absorbed peers, according to research

Antidepressant use among teen girls and young women has skyrocketed (2024)

Expressing lower emotion on 911 calls is associated with greater suspicion that the caller is involved in the crime they are reporting,

Study found there was a substantial amount of disagreement about what constituted racism within each racial group in US.The level of disagreement within each racial group was just as high as the disagreement across all participants combined.

Parents favor daughters: A meta-analysis of predictors of differential treatment

Large Meta-Analysis Finds Effects of Educational Interventions are Small and Fade Quickly

No evidence social media time is correlated with teen mental health problems

Indirect Effect of Negative Evaluations of Therapy on the Association Between Racial Stress and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms in Pregnant Black Persons

Conservatives exhibit greater metacognitive inefficiency, study finds

New APA study says thinking can sometimes hurt. Findings indicate that mental effort feels unpleasant across various populations and tasks

Narcissism Across Life Span: Meta-Analytic Review of Longitudinal Studies [pdf]

Across four studies, author find support that limbal rings (darkened pigment around irises) cause faces to appear healthier and potentially more attractive due to creating a contrast with the surrounding sclerae…

Limiting social media use decreases depression, anxiety, and fear of missing out in youth with emotional distress: A randomized controlled trial.

Male authors of psychology papers were less likely to respond to a request for a copy of their recent work if the requester used they/them pronouns; female authors responded at equal rates to all requesters…

People who use willpower to overcome temptations and achieve their goals are perceived as more trustworthy than those who use strategies that involve external incentives or deterrents — such as swear jars or internet-blocking apps — according to new research.

Living in violent neighborhoods affects children’s brain development / Nurturing parents can buffer against harmful effects, study finds

Liberals and conservatives are more likely to believe that merit-based hiring is unfair after learning about the impacts of socioeconomic disparities

Empirical failures of the claim that autistic people lack a theory of mind

Metal guitar skills linked to intrasexual competition, but not mating success

The Dire Disregard of Measurement Invariance Testing in Psychological Science: Nearly three-quarters of tested psychological scales failed the test of measurement invariance needed for meaningful group comparisons

Understanding Health Psychology

Many law enforcement officers exhibit varying degrees of psychopathic traits

Research describes unique effects of sedatives, dissociatives, psychedelics, stimulants, and cannabinoids on episodic memory

Just say no to that invitation: It may feel unforgivably rude to reject an invitation—even one to an event you would much prefer not to attend—but people often overestimate the social consequences of saying no…

Saying No: The Negative Ramifications From Invitation Declines Are Less Severe Than We Think

Absolute and relative stability of loss aversion across contexts: Even though the absolute value of loss aversion can be affected by external factors (e.g., choice context), estimates of people’s loss aversion still capture the relative dispositions toward gains and losses across individuals.

New research suggests depressed patients with higher attachment anxiety benefited more from greater use of supportive therapy than supportive-expressive therapy techniques in a particular session, as evidenced by lower levels of symptoms at the subsequent session.

A Systematic Review of the Ambivalent Sexism Literature: Hostile Sexism Protects Men’s Power; Benevolent Sexism Guards Traditional Gender Roles

Children whose mothers are highly stressed, anxious or depressed during pregnancy may be at higher risk for mental health and behavior issues during their childhood and teen years

Though people often want to share good news as soon as they learn it, a study published by the American Psychological Association has found keeping good news a secret before telling someone else could make people feel more energized and alive.

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