
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Vector math library codegen in Debug ·

Random Thoughts about Unity

I accidentally Blender VSE

Gaussian explosion

Making Gaussian Splats more smaller

Making Gaussian Splats smaller

Gaussian splatting is pretty cool

Float Compression

Float Compression 9: Lzsse and Lizard

Don't try to outsmart the compiler

Float Compression 7: More Filtering Optimization

Float Compression 3: Filters

Float Compression 0: Intro

Swallowing the Elephant into Blender

Curious Lack of Sprintf Scaling

“Modern” C++ Lamentations(2018)

Clang Build Analyzer

Replacing a live system is really hard

time-trace: timeline / flame chart profiler for Clang ·

Investigating compile times, and Clang -ftime-report

“Modern” C++ Lamentations

How does a GPU shader core work?

Entity Component Systems and Data Oriented Design

More Hash Function Tests

Daily Pathtracer

Best unknown MSVC flag: d2cgsummary

Forced Inlining Might Be Slow

Unreasonable Effectiveness of Profilers ·

Every Possible Scalability Limit Will Be Reached

Amazing Optimizers, or Compile Time Tests

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