
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

What's up Python? Django get background tasks, a new REPL, bye bye gunicorn

Light speed with Python and JS

French Competitiveness in IT

Why not tell people to "simply" use pyenv, poetry or anaconda

What's up, Python? The GIL removed, a new compiler, optparse deprecated...

There is no EU cookie banner law

Relieving your Python packaging pain

The splat operator, or *args and **kwargs in Python

Xmas decoration, part 1

What's up Python? Epic CPython commit, Django 5 and 2FA for PyPI

Preparing for missions in difficult places

Xmas decoration, part 2

Holding references on classes and functions

You don't need this in Python

What's up Python? New args syntax, subinterpreters FastAPI and cuda pandas…

A little taste of HTMX (part 5/5)

What's up Python? iOS support, ruff gets black, flask 3.0

Beginners should use Django, not Flask

A little taste of HTMX, part 2

python 3.12: what didn't make the headlines

Django things you want with HTMX

What's up Python: Jupyter more popular than Vim, VSCode in Excel and a button

3 IRL use cases for Python and HTMX

Comfy with Python basic tooling, now what?

An easy way to concurrency and parallelism with Python stdlib

What's up Python? New packaging proposal, Python in Excel, a piano in the shell

Python variables, references and mutability

The fast track tip

Lies, damn lies, and feedback on Arch Linux

Nobody ever paid me for code

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