
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

27-Year-Old EXE Became Python In Minutes. Is AI-Assisted Reverse Engineering Next?

Comparing the 1970's Cray-1 supercomputer against the Raspberry Pi

Linux running on RISC-V emulated in Scratch

When open becomes opaque: The changing face of open-source hardware companies

Reverse-engineering the 8086 processor’s address and data pin circuits

Facebook claims people showing art, electronics, wheelchair mods is hate speech

The movie Hackers was released 27 years ago

Tiny Core Linux 13.0 is a full Linux desktop in 22 MB

Why Did 1980s Datsuns Have Tiny Vinyl Record Players in Them?

Adafruit requires 2FA to prevent bots buying out Raspberry Pi

A GitHub repository was public-viewable

The original source for the 1981 masterpiece “Defender” is now on GitHub

Arduino Pro hardware is not open-source hardware

Adafruit interviews Siemens SupplyFrame, the future of Hackaday, Tindie and more

NEORV32: A customizable RISC-V SoC

Siemens acquires Supplyframe (owners of Hackaday and Tindie)

Vintage Telephones Hacked with Raspberry Pis to Create Intercom

Adafruit deemed an essential service to make Personal Protection Equipment

Python has already replaced Excel in banking

MIT creates blackest black that is darker than Vantablack

The NYC subway system runs on OS/2, IBM’s old PC operating system

Win10 is going to start including Python 3.7

Python is shipping on the new TI-83 Premium CE calculators in France

The Apple II Source Code for the LOGO Language Found

How we built a Super Nintendo out of a wireless keyboard

Thoughts on Low Latency Interrupt Handling

In loving memory – Mosfet the cat 2001 – 2018

Survival Research Laboratories: Inconsiderate fantasies of negative acceleration

A Brief History of the Perl Programming Language Which Turned 30 Today!

Facebook bans adafruit ‘s Ladyada… Facebook finkd « Adafruit Industries

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