
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Noticing when an app has servers in different regions

Noticing when an app is only hosted in us-east-1

Reverse engineering iMessages database to create a better search interface

Using Verizon's API to get a number with 4 consecutive digits

Using Verizon's API to get a vanity phone number with 4 consecutive digits

Reversing Resy’s API to create a javascript client

How the Nintendo Switch prevents downgrades by irreparably blowing its own fuses

Analyzing Seated’s restaurants by reversing their API

Analyzing Seated's restaurants by reversing their API

Building an OpenTable bot

Snapshotting memory to scrape encrypted network requests

Building an OpenTable Bot

Snapshotting memory to scrape encrypted network requests

Writing fast async HTTP requests in Python

A boilerplate for SSR’d Vite, React 17, and TypeScript 4.3

Thoughts on User Growth and Product

Reversing Lyft’s ride history API to analyze 6 years worth of rides

Reversing Lyft's ride history API to analyze 6 years worth of rides

How the Nintendo Switch prevents downgrades by irreparably blowing its own fuses

How the Nintendo Switch prevents downgrades by irreparably blowing its own fuses

Promise.all vs Promise.allSettled in JavaScript

JavaScript Promise.all vs. Promise.allSettled

Promise.all vs Promise.allSettled

Making high-fidelity audio sound like it came through the phone (2018)

Speeding up zsh and Oh-My-Zsh

Reverse engineering Blind’s API and client side encryption

How much space would it take to store every word ever said?

Ryanair, Hamiltonian Cycles, and using graph theory to find cheap flights (2018)

Tracking flight details while in the air

Email authentication: SPF, DKIM and DMARC out in the wild

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