
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Objective-C is just, like, a leaky abstraction over C

DAPLs: Domain Agnostic Programming Languages

Mojo is a much better “Objective-C without the C” than Swift ever was

Setting up Hetzner ARM instances with and for Objective-S

Why Architecture Oriented Programming Matters (2019)

Setting the Bozo Bit on Apple

Native-GUI distributed system in a tweet

UIs are not pure functions of the model (2018)

Blackbird: A reference architecture for local-first connected mobile apps

Why Architecture Oriented Programming Matters (2019)

Jitterdämmerung (2015-2021)

Inserting 130M SQLite Rows per Minute from a Scripting Language

Glue Code is the Success Condition

Asynchronous Sequences and Polymorphic Streams

Making invisible glue code first-class

Towards a ToDoMVC Backend in Objective-S

Glue: The Dark Matter of Software

Why are there no return statements in Objective-S?

Talking to pins

M1 Memory and Performance

Pointers are Easy, Optimization is Complicated

Pointers are Easy, Optimization is Complicated

Why I don't mock (2014)

The Curious Case of Swift's Adoption of Smalltalk Keyword Syntax

Beyond Faster JSON Support for iOS/macOS, Part 9: CSV and SQLite

MPWTest: Reducing Test Friction by Going Beyond the XUnit Model

Embedding Objective-Smalltalk

Maybe Visual Programming Is the Answer. Maybe Not

Faster JSON Support for iOS/macOS, Part 7: Polishing the Parser

Less Lethargic JSON Support for iOS/macOS, Part 5: Cutting out the Middleman

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