Objective-C is just, like, a leaky abstraction over C

Objective-C Is the Ugliest Programming Language and a Total Abomination

NSCopyObject, the griefer that keeps on griefing

Swift at 10

Producer: A tool for translating Smalltalk-80 to Objective-C (1987)

Objective-C implementations in Swift

Sleeping through a decade of Cocoa: Retrospective from modernizing an old Mac app

9 years of Apple text editor solo dev

Apple's use of Swift and SwiftUI in iOS 17

The object oriented pre-compiler (1983)

The C / Mario cube [humor]

A love letter to Objective-C

Mojo is a much better “Objective-C without the C” than Swift ever was

Writing to the macOS clipboard the hard way

GoMobile now comes with reverse bindings for Java and ObjectiveC