
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Learn about CSS units rem, em, px, vh, vw, percentage, and usage based on use cases.

Understanding controlled and uncontrolled components in React

Ruby 3.4, No More TypeError with **Nil as It Is Treated as an Empty Hash

ECMAScript - Grouping arrays using Object.groupBy and Map.groupBy

Rails 7.1 Introduced Validate Option for Enums

Understanding Generators, Iterators, and Iterator Helpers in JavaScript

Replace lodash.get method with optional chaining and nullish-coalescing operator

Ruby adds a new core Data class to represent immutable value objects

Ecma International approves ECMAScript 2022

React 18 adds onResize event to video elements

Rails adds support for Fiber-safe ActiveRecord ConnectionPools

ECMAScript 2022 introduces at() method in Array, String, TypedArray

Meet the new hook useSyncExternalStore, introduced in React 18 for external stores

React 18 provides useId API for generating unique IDs on both the client and server

ECMAScript: Top-level await

Deep dive into public and private instance fields in JavaScript (ECMAScript 2022)

Keep the React app responsive even during large screen updates with startTransition API introduced in React 18

ECMAScript 2021(ES12) introduces Promise.any() and AggregateError

Rails 7 moves ActiveRecord::Base.logger to a class_attribute leading to a 7x speed improvement

React 18 adds automatic batching

Babel 7.14 enables class fields & private methods by default in @babel/preset-env

ES 12/2021 introduces new logical assignment operators

React 17 runs useEffect cleanup functions asynchronously

Redux 4.1.0 converts error messages from strings to error code indexes

React 17 internally uses the browser's focusin and focusout events for onFocus and onBlur events

React 17 adds support for KeyboardEvent.code property to SyntheticEvent

React 17 removes event pooling in the modern browsers

React 17 stops event bubbling in scroll event

Ruby adds experimental support for Rightward assignments

Ruby Lazy Enumerators

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