recommend a WAL crate

SQLite on macOS: Not ACID compliant with the bundled version (2022)

Two Years of BonsaiDb: A retrospective and looking to the future

Introducing OkayWAL: A write-ahead log for Rust

BonsaiDb performance update: A deep-dive on file synchronization

BonsaiDb April Update: Dogfooding and Fixing Bugs

A Year of BonsaiDb: A retrospective and looking to the future

BonsaiDb v0.4.0: Now available without async

BonsaiDb February update: Supporting and Optimizing BonsaiDb

Announcing BonsaiDb v0.2.0: Custom Primary Keys, LZ4 Compression

Announcing BonsaiDb v0.1.0: A Rust NoSQL database that grows with you

BonsaiDb January Update: Releasing first alpha next week