Resources for Amateur Compiler Writers

QBE – Compiler Back End

Memex is a secure archiving tool that offers a user interface similar to Git's

QBE 1.0

QBE: Compiler Back End

Resources for Amateur Compiler Writers

Edit: A text-editor mixing vi and Acme

QSCM – A Tiny Bootstrapped Scheme


qbe: a small x64 compiler backend in pure C

How hard can you believe in your logic?

Green Threads Explained (2013)

Green Threads Explained

A common flaw in SSA intermediate representations

Resources for Amateur Compiler Writers

Green Threads Explained

Show HN: QBE – a new compiler back end

Resources for Amateur Compiler Writers

Resources for Amateur Compiler Writers

Loading an x64 register, how hard could it be?

A Mini Scheme Designed to Compile Itself to C

Russel's paradox and the Y combinator

(lalr.c) A minimal yacc implementation and its hacker's guide

qscm is a tiny Scheme with a bootstrapped compiler to C

Edit: A Relaxing Mix of Vi and Acme