
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Vortex: OpenCL compatible RISC-V GPGPU

Do artifacts have politics? [pdf]

Lend Me Your Ear: Passive Remote Physical Side Channels on PCs

Largest Study of Its Kind Shows Outdated Password Practices Are Widespread

Photo Tampering Throughout History [pdf]

LambdaMOO Takes a New Direction (1992)

Eight-Year Study Finds 24,931 WordPress Sites Using Malicious Plugins

Lions Commentary on Unix

LambdaMOO takes a new direction (1992)

Using 4.7 million <user, subreddit> pairs from 03/2018-10/2018, researchers find if 100% of removals on Reddit were provided explanations, the odds of future post removals would reduce by 20.8%.

Omscs: The Revolution Will Be Digitized

Machine learning analysis of deleted content on Reddit finds there are macro social norms (that apply to the whole site), meso ones (that apply to clusters of sites), and micro ones (that apply to one or just a few subs)

Stealing Webpages Rendered on Your Browser by Exploiting GPU Vulnerabilities

Learning to Dress: Synthesizing Human Dressing Motion via Reinforcement Learning

Enforcing Unique Code Target Property for Control-Flow Integrity

A quantitative study of 2 million comments removed from Reddit identifies social norms that apply to most of Reddit (macro), norms that are shared by groups of subreddits (meso), and norms that are highly specific to certain subreddits (micro)

Proving Flow Security of Sequential Logic via Automatically-Synthesized Relational Invariants

Why Threads Are a Bad Idea (1995)

Simulation of Biology

Cases of Open-Source License Violations in Mobile Apps

UniSan: Proactive Kernel Memory Initialization to Eliminate Data Leakages (2016)

How to Make ASLR Win the Clone Wars: Runtime Re-Randomization (2016)

Metabolic Pathways

Unleashing use-before-initialization vulnerabilities in the Linux kernel (2017)

Jeroo: educational IDE for novice programmers

The Price of Free: Privacy Leakage in Personalized Mobile In-App Ads

Mlpack 2.0.0 released – C++ machine learning library

Georgia Tech Researchers Demonstrate How the Brain Can Handle So Much Data

Type Casting Verification: Stopping an Emerging Attack Vector

Understanding Malvertising Through Ad-Injecting Browser Extensions

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