
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

What's in an (Alias) Name?

Building LLM-powered applications in Go

Telemetry in Go 1.23 and Beyond

Share your feedback about developing with Go - The Go Programming Language

Is this an efficient way of communicating with goroutines?

Generic Freelist Allocator for Go

Go 1.23's new unique package

Range Over Function Types

Lock-free concurrent map

Go 1.23

Go 1.23 Released

A generics based dependency injection application framework for Go, support OpenTelemetry trace/metric/log natively

modernc.org/[email protected] adds support for windows/386

Scan a CSV into a struct with Go 1.23 iterators

net/http idletimeout

Russ Cox is developing a new LLM-based bot for the Go issue tracker

Switching to Go

I needed a simple way to run multiple servers at the same time & retain the ability to perform a graceful shutdown so I created this

Golangs standard http server is a 3800 line file

Compiled(ish) Bash With Go

Evolving the Go Standard Library with math/rand/v2

Secure Randomness in Go 1.22

Does Google have an internal library for Golang to use common data structures?

Secure Randomness in Go 1.22

Go Developer Survey 2024 H1 Results

More powerful Go execution traces

Styledown is a simple markup language for representing styled text

failsafe-go: A fault tolerance library for Go

itermore - utility package for incoming iterable functions. More iterators for everyone

Golang and the sub for Go

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