
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Tk9.0: CGo-free, cross platform GUI toolkit for Go

VisualMD: A CGo-free WYSIWYG Markdown editor

equ: A Plain TeX math editor in Go + Tk9.0

Generic Freelist Allocator for Go

Lock-free concurrent map

A generics based dependency injection application framework for Go, support OpenTelemetry trace/metric/log natively

modernc.org/[email protected] adds support for windows/386

Scan a CSV into a struct with Go 1.23 iterators

net/http idletimeout

Russ Cox is developing a new LLM-based bot for the Go issue tracker

I needed a simple way to run multiple servers at the same time & retain the ability to perform a graceful shutdown so I created this

Styledown is a simple markup language for representing styled text

itermore - utility package for incoming iterable functions. More iterators for everyone

flagconf: Add envronment variable and config file parsing to stdlib flag in two lines

Valid - Explicit, Efficient, Type-Safe Validation

Go0 is a [self] educational toy Go compiler for a minimalistic subset of Go. It demonstrates how to use the modernc.org/libqbe compiler back end.

[ANN] Package libqbe is a compiler backend. It compiles SSA source code to assembler source code.

I've been writing a tool that mostly operates in $HOME, so this package was birthed...

ETag middleware for Echo framework

Python random.sample and random.choices ports

My first go module - baseconv - Base conversion

autostereo package - git.sr.ht/~jgoulder/autostereo

jub0bs/fcors: a principled CORS middleware library for Go

Getopt like argument parser for Golang.

modernc.org/[email protected] adds linux/s390x support

New version of requests with support for httptest.Server

Prometheus exporter for pgxpool

Another Markdown implementation in Go (src.elv.sh/pkg/md)

statsviz: Visualise Go program runtime metrics in real time in your browser

Ivy: Rob Pike's APL-Like Language / Desk Calculator

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