
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

gRPC vs REST: comparing APIs architectural styles

R vs Python: The Data Science language debate

Large screen phones: a challenge for UX design (and human hands)

We need to calm our technology down

From capybara-webkit to Headless Chrome and ChromeDriver

Amazon Web Services Made Simple

Presenting the Product Design Process

OLTP vs OLAP: what's the difference between them?

All one needs to know about digital products maintenance

Building a Minimum Viable Product is crucial

Pong's perfect game design

The choice that matters: who is going to write the copy?

The broken window to the developer's soul

ReasonML: React done right

Did Agile definitely kill Waterfall?

Boosting the development environment with Vagrant and Ansible

The importance of human psychology in design processes

The absolute don'ts of software development

User empowerment through design

Videogame's onboarding experiences are a lesson to design

From Design to Front-end

The neverending user journey through ads

The importance of a good brief

Tips and resources to get started on JavaScript

Why software architecture really matters

Why We're Ditching Ruby on Rails for JavaScript and Node.js

SnapTrash: a mobile app to get rid of plastic waste

Design planning: making a stylish difference

Node.js admin panels: Strapi or Express Admin?

Node.js or Ruby on Rails: which is better?

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