
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Speeding up autoconf with caching (2022)

Don't use ldd on untrusted binaries: it might execute them

test, [, and [[ (2020)

Unit-testing shell scripts and tools with shtk

Good performance is not just big O

A failed experiment with Rust static dispatch

Making NetBSD Multiboot-Compatible (2007)

Costs exposed: Monorepo vs. multirepo

ldd(1) and untrusted binaries

From AST to bytecode execution in EndBASIC (2022)

Unit-testing a web service in Rust

Fast machines, slow machines

A persistent task queue in Rust

BASIC parsing difficulties in EndBASIC

EndBASIC 0.10: Core language, evolved

Down the memory lane with OS/2 (2020)

Speeding up autoconf with caching

Remembering Buildtool

Rust is hard, yes, but does it matter?

Rust traits and dependency injection

Windows 10 on a Mac Pro 2013

A year on Windows: System debugging

Show HN: I've built my own simple website analytics

Constructors and evil initializers in C++

Should the browser use all available memory?

Definitions and initializations in C++

EndBASIC 0.7: Hello, cloud

Always Be Quitting

Why am I wasting time on EndBASIC?

EndBASIC 0.5 release announcement

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