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Particulates Matter: The Influence of Cumulative Local Air Pollution Exposure on Sixth-Grade Academic Achievement in California

Venezuelans who hold positive views of the future and have more regular access to electricity indicate less desire to emigrate, while individual and communal resources like social capital and individual resources like access to US dollars have no measurable impact.

Adolescent women who lived in a location with fewer abortion restrictions and adolescent women who had an abortion (compared to a live birth) are more likely to have graduated from college, have higher incomes, and have greater financial stability over the subsequent 25 years.

Satyagraha: The Highest Practise of Democracy and Freedom

One third of incels discuss sexual violence against women

Individuals with multiple long-term conditions are two and a half times more likely to die following COVID-19 infection than others

Meta-analysis shows a link between Machiavellianism and Intimate Partner Violence perpetration

A Review of Academic Use of the Term “Minor Attracted Persons”

Depressed adolescents twice as likely to vape: Study on Australian high school students finds those who reported severe depressive symptoms were over twice as likely to have tried e-cigarettes, compared to those reporting no depressive symptoms.

Findings of a longitudinal study of 1.205 children suggest that classroom norm salience towards aggression may become more important in the later elementary school years and that children of higher-educated parents may be more able to adapt their behavior toward the classroom norm - OPEN ACCESS

People Place Larger Bets When Risky Choices Provide a Postbet Option to Cash Out: Studies find cash-out gambling availability increased participants’ bet amounts by up to 35%

The 2020 Black Lives Matter protests highlighted structural inequalities faced by Black people in the US

Women who regularly have sex are likely to live longer

15-week whole foods, plant-based diet, physical activity, and stress management intervention significantly improves cardiometabolic risk factors in a population of US veterans…

Size Matters? Dissatisfaction and Gun Ownership in America

Sexual violence prevention programs effectively change ideas and beliefs that underscore assaults, but show no evidence of reducing their actual occurrence

Study highlights the alarming rise of telephone fraud targeting older adults in the UK

Proenvironmental Behavior Increases Subjective Well-Being: Evidence From an Experience-Sampling Study and a Randomized Experiment

Older individuals who have used psychedelics tend to exhibit better cognitive functioning and fewer depressive symptoms compared to those who have not, according to new research

A new study has revealed that having a dog at Children's Court (high-stress environment) substantially reduces stress and anxiety, enhances speech and memory function, and promotes overall physical and mental well-being for young witnesses…

Studies show that men who are less dissatisfied with the size of their penises are more likely to own guns than other men.

To deal with a culture of sexism and misogyny among law enforcement, ideas such as changes to the law and police policy, moving complaints away from the police internal process, male peer support, better leadership, education and finally, more-effective whistleblowing processes should be considered

Taboos and Self-Censorship Among U.S. Psychology Professors

A new study across 46 countries finds that people have been engaging less and less with the news since 2015; sharing news on social media has decreased by 29%, commenting by 26% and talking about the news face-to-face by 24%.

r/The_Donald helped socialize users into far-right identities and discourse – Active users on r/The_Donald increasingly used white nationalist vocabularies in their comment history within three months.

Survey finds a U-shaped relation between education and conspiracy belief; 1 in 4 graduate degree holders agreed that "School shootings ..

Taboos and Self-Censorship Among U.S. Psychology Professors

Study finds children with ADHD had a higher risk of OSA(Obstructive Sleep Apnea) and sleep bruxism compared to non-ADHD children

Psychiatric risks for worsened mental health after psychedelic use

German study suggests anti-elitism may mediate the positive relationship between anxiety and voter support for the right-wing populist parties.

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