
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Programming Mantras Are Proverbs

Keeping things in sync: derive vs test

Never, Sometimes, Always

pyastgrep and custom linting

Programming mantras are proverbs

Enforcing conventions in Django projects with introspection

No one actually wants simplicity

Python packaging must be getting better – a datapoint

Python Type Hints: pyastgrep case study

Super-fast Sphinx docs, and SNOB driven development

No one wants simplicity

Re-using CSS for the wrong HTML with Sass

The curse of scalable technology

Why I'm Leaving Elm (2020)

ChatGPT: Abstract logic and the doubling down bias

ChatGPT has no inner monologue or meta-cognition

The different uses of Python type hints

Python's “disappointing” superpowers

We need less powerful languages (2015)

Test factory functions in Django

Better Python code grepping with pyastgrep

Python Type Hints: case study on Parsy

Everything Is an X (2020)

Why escape-on-input is a bad idea (2012)

Yagni Exceptions (2021)

Test smarter, not harder (2020)

Zero-based indexing in the real world (2013)

REPL Python programming and debugging with IPython

Raising exceptions or returning error objects in Python

The technological case against Bitcoin and blockchain

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