
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

The sorry state of Java deserialization

One year of solo dev, wrapping up the grant-funded work

Feynman's Garden

Using DuckDB to seamlessly query a large parquet file over HTTP

Deep Bug

The Yak Shave

Marginalia: 3 Years

A Hobby Coding Biography

WARC'in the Crawler

A new approach to domain ranking

The Small Website Discoverability Crisis (2021)

Anchor Tags

Moving Marginalia to a new server

A Disk Usage Mystery

Marginalia Search Receives FUTO Grant

Absurd Success

Full Time

Killing Community

Marginalia.nu API

(2022) The Evolution of Marginalia's crawling

Marginalia: DIY search engine that focuses on non-commercial content

Are you ok?

Marginalia Search has received an NLNet grant

A new approach to domain ranking

(2022) Marginalia's [Search] Index Reaches 100,000,000 Documents

Creepy Website Similarity

Botspam Apocalypse

The Evolution of Marginalia's Crawling

search.marginalia.nu: A Theoretical Justification

Marginalia Search

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