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Regex Crossword

Lessons I learned from working full-time on a FOSS project for 503 days

5 ways to flatten a list of lists

Secret Santa draw with Python

Python Black Friday

Why use enums?

Animations From First Principles (in 5 minutes)

What learning APL taught me about Python

TIL #055 – Xkcd plots – Mathspp

Learn how to build a simple TODO app that runs in the terminal with Python 🐍 and Textual. 🚀

Finding similar photos

How to create a Python package in 2022

Why APL is worth knowing

Sockets for Dummies

Chatroom server tutorial

In-depth analysis of Python solutions to Advent of Code day 1

Here's how 2 lines of APL code checked & fixed 1h of maths calculations on paper.

How to use sets and frozensets like a Python ninja

The do's and don'ts of naming in Python | Pydon't

Let's build a simple interpreter for APL, part 2 (2020)

Usages of underscore (_) – the syntax nuances and the idiomatic use cases

The power of `reduce` – why you should appreciate it and learn to use it like a pro

Idiomatic sequence slicing and slicing tips

Anti-patterns to avoid when indexing sequences in Python

Using finite state machines to speed up an algorithm by a factor of 173.4 BILLION

Enumerate – a really simple tool that you aren't using to its full potential

Admittedly a very simple tool in Python, zip has a lot to offer in your `for` loops

Pattern matching tutorial for Pythonic code

Chaining comparison operators is a Python feature that looks so natural, sometimes you don't even notice it *is* a feature

What Truthy and Falsy values are in Python and how to use them to write more Pythonic code + code examples

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