Russian milbloggers made an 8,925% increase in political memes in the two weeks prior to the full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

Protest movements that reject political parties have an unintended consequence, according to new research: They empower savvy politicians who channel them to shake up the status quo.

Suppressing boredom at work hurts future productivity, study shows

Companies hide negative news with unrelated press releases alongside SEC filings

Plastic containers can contain PFAS — and it’s getting into food

Chemical history of the Milky Way revealed by new catalog of tens of millions of stars

Findings from three national datasets show that gay men earn undergraduate and graduate degrees at the highest rate of any gender/sexuality group in the US

Large-scale land acquisitions by foreign investors, intended to improve global food security, had little to no benefit, increasing crop production in some areas while simultaneously threatening local food security in others, according to researchers who studied their effects.

COVID-19 lockdowns in China, Europe averted tens of thousands of premature deaths related to air pollution, study finds.

Research on the enduring effects of the Original Earth Day: communities with more participation experienced lower pollution, better infant health, and more pro environmental attitudes decades later

Female directors are quicker to recall dangerous medical products, study shows

Inconsistency may increase risk to cardiovascular health

New research introduces the concept of financial infidelity — engaging in any financial behavior likely to be frowned upon by a romantic partner and intentionally failing to disclose that behavior

People can sidestep the pitfalls of overconfidence by expressing confidence nonverbally through making eye contact, gesturing, adopting an expansive posture or speaking in a strong voice

A study has found dads whose cortisol levels were elevated while they held their newborns on the day of their birth -- either skin-to-skin or clothed -- were more likely to be involved with indirect care and play with their infants in the first months of their lives.

New research shows that digital content platforms can increase traffic to their websites from social media and boost digital ad profits by at least 8 percent, simply by aligning their posting schedules with target audiences’ sleep-wake cycles…

A new study has found that historically, black colleges and universities (HBCUs) pay higher fees to issue tax-exempt bonds than non-HBCUs

Flourishing under an abusive boss? You may be a psychopath, study shows. Primary psychopaths benefit under abusive supervisors

Exposure to just 10 minutes of light at night suppresses biting and manipulates the flight behavior of Anopheles mosquitoes.

Using colors to identify the approximate ages of more than 130,000 stars in the Milky Way’s halo, astronomers have produced the clearest picture yet of how the galaxy formed more than 13.5 billion years ago.