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More than a dozen bacterial species among the hundreds that live in people’s mouths have been linked to a collective 50% increased chance of developing head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC)…

Sex-related differences in brain structure: an AI tool, while processing MRI, found differences in the organization of the brains of men and women at a cellular level

Study links key gene to protection from severe illness and death from COVID infections in men under age 75

A new study, conducted recording brain of people having surgery to treat seizures related to epilepsy, shows that pauses in speech reveal information about how people’s brains plan and produce speech

New technique can determine for the first time how frequently, and exactly where, a molecular event called “backtracking” occurs throughout the genetic material (genome) of any species

Researchers unveiled the brain mechanism that teaches mice to avoid bullies, situated on the underside of the hypothalamus, triggers the release of oxytocin

In a study of sudden unexpected deaths in young children, usually during sleep, researchers identified seizures as a potential cause

A new combination of drugs safely decreased growth of pancreatic cancer in mice by preventing cancer cells from scavenging for fuel, a new study finds

Patients recall death experiences after cardiac arrest

Cardiovascular ER Visits Plunged After Pittsburgh Coal Plant Shut, Study Finds

Experimental decoy protects 100% of study mice infected with Covid

Anew study in mice and rats found that restoring certain signals in a brain region that processes smells countered depression

Detection of rhythmic brain waves suggestive of near-death experiences: one in five people who survive cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) after cardiac arrest reported having unique lucid experiences, including a perception of separation from the body…

Almost 90 Percent of People with Opioid Use Disorder Not Receiving Lifesaving Medication, Study Shows

Daily exposure to a class of chemicals used in the production of many household items may lead to cancer, and childhood obesity

Environmental Factors Predict Risk of Death

For women starting families later in life, frozen eggs are a more efficient option than in vitro fertilization, according to new research.The study found 70% of women who froze eggs when they were younger than 38—and thawed at least 20 eggs at a later date—had a baby.

Melanoma cells produce amyloid beta (AB), a peptide central to Alzheimer's disease

New study has identified a brain circuit that is active while we plan our spoken replies during conversation: “the work promises to guide the design of new therapies for the 7.5 million Americans who have trouble using their voices"

Deaths Linked to ‘Hormone Disruptor’ Chemical Costs Billions in Lost U.S. Productivity

Having a Good Listener Improves Your Brain Health

New Treatment Stops Progression of Alzheimer’s Disease in Monkey Brains

Air pollution in subway systems greatly exceeds aboveground levels. During rush hour, pollution typically reaches 2 to 7 times the EPA standard

Without directly invading the brain or nerves, SARS-CoV-2 causes potentially damaging neurological injuries in about 1 in 7 infected

Obesity in expectant mothers may hinder the development of the babies' brains as early as the second trimester, a new study finds.

Combination of AI & radiologists more accurately identified breast cancer, finds a new study, identifying breast cancer with approximately 90 percent accuracy

An artificial intelligence (AI) tool--trained on roughly a million screening mammography images--identified breast cancer with approximately 90 percent accuracy when combined with analysis by radiologists…

A specially designed computer program can help diagnose post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in veterans by analyzing their voices, a new study finds.

Doctor burnout in small practices is dramatically lower than the national average, new study concludes

When mobile fruit and vegetable stands in New York City were equipped with wireless banking devices programmed to accept food stamps, people with low income bought more food than if they had to pay cash

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