
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

The Mac Malware of 2021

Where's the Interpreter!? (CVE-2021-30853)

CIA Implant: Green Lambert for OS X

OS X/Hydromac: New Mac adware, leaked from a flashcards app

macOS gatekeeper and file quarantine bypass

Lulu – Mac open-source firewall that aims to block unknown outgoing connections

Property List Parsing Bug(s): Crashing macOS via malformed binary plists

FinFisher Filleted

Apple Approved Malware

Office Drama on macOS

CVE-2020–9934: Bypassing TCC

OSX.EvilQuest Uncovered

uncovering (local) security flaws in Zoom's latest macOS client

The Mac Malware of 2019

The investigation into ToTok

Lazarus Group Goes 'Fileless': an implant w/ remote download & in-memory execution

Pass the AppleJeus

Writing a File Monitor with Apple's Endpoint Security Framework

Burned by Fire(fox)

Mac Adware, à la Python

Death by vmmap

Mojave's Sandbox is Leaky

LuLu: An open-source macOS firewall for outgoing connections

#1 "Paid Utility" in Mac App Store steals Chrome, Firefox, and Safari browsing history

Remote Mac Exploitation via Custom URL Scheme

Overview of unpatched exploits in macOS

Apple wrote code to appease the Chinese government... it was buggy

Analyzing a New macOS DNS Hijacker: OSX/MaMi

All Your Docs Are Belong To Us

LuLu: An open-source macOS firewall that blocks unknown outgoing connections

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