
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

MIT 11.350: Sustainable Real Estate

Street-Fighting Mathematics (2008)

Free MIT Course: Performance Engineering of Software Systems

Applied Category Theory: Textbook (2019)

Hello guys, could you give me some tips to handle the "Introduction To Algrothims" course, I feel overwhelmed with it's exercise; I'm in week 7 of CS50x

Introduction to C++ | MIT OpenCourseWare

MIT's new (2020) Introduction to Algorithms course with all course materials

The Society of Mind

Theory of Computation ocw course (Sipser)

OCW MIT: 6.006 Intro to Algorithms 2020

MIT OpenCourseWare

Python resources for beginners from MIT OpenCourseWare

Understanding Lasers and Fiberoptics: Fiberoptics Fundamentals (2012)

A 2020 Vision of Linear Algebra

Computer System Engineering (MIT OCW)

MIT 6.172: Performance Engineering of Software Systems

Bit Hacks (2018)

FinTech: Shaping the Financial World

Geometric Folding Algorithms: Linkages, Origami, Polyhedra

MIT OCW: Statistics for Applications (2016)

MIT Lecture: Performance Engineering of Software Systems (C, Assembler)

Private Pilot Ground School – MIT OpenCourseWare

Gilbert Strang's a 2020 Vision of Linear Algebra

How to Speak

Coordinates and Transformation

Professor Gilbert Strang Teaches Linear Algebra

Top 10 "proof techniques" sanctioned in a MIT CS class

Performance Engineering of Software Systems

ConLangs: How to Construct a Language

Matrix Methods in Data Analysis, Signal Processing, and Machine Learning

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