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Hi! I‘ve created this Spotify playlist to listen to while coding with some nu disco, indie soul and electronic tracks with futuristic vibes

HelloWorld.Java by NanowaR of Steel

Study tips (please)

Two AI review your favourite movie scripts (NotebookLM)

I've put together some dev music, happy coding!

This is how enter Code Mode

Music for programming?

Interview with Scott Tolinski, Founder of LevelUpTutorials and Co-host of the Syntax.fm podcast


Companies Say They're Using Microphone Audio to Target Ads [audio] (2023)

Do you listen to music while programming? I've found that listening to music from various cultures boosts my programming productivity

I’ve maintaining this playlist for over five years. I use it when coding to keep me focused. Hope you enjoy it as much as i do.

I’ve maintaining this playlist for over five years. I use it when coding to keep me focused.

I’ve maintaining this playlist for over five years. It’s great to have on headphones while studying and coding. Hope you enjoy it!

I’ve maintaining this playlist for over five years. It’s great to have on headphones while studying and coding. Hope you enjoy it!

Happy to share a personal mix of songs that I put together which I listen to during my study sessions

Programming Phoenix LiveView • Sophie DeBenedetto, Bruce Tate & Steven Nunez

Scott Hanselman Interviewing Sai Srirampur from PeerDB on Postgres Replication

Designing A Data-Intensive Future • Martin Kleppmann & Jesse Anderson

Just wanna put this out there since it did it's job recently as relaxing background :) Do you listen to music while working?

Designing Data Governance from the Ground Up • Lauren Maffeo & Samia Rahman

Unleashing Native Imaging Power in GraalVM • Alina Yurenko & Bert Jan Schrijver

The Transformative Power of Quarkus in the Java Ecosystem • Holly Cummins & Charles Humble

Make a Program for lead scrapping!

[Podcast] Unlocking the Web: Exploring WebAuthn & Beyond • Eli Holderness & Mark Rendle

To stay focused and relaxed while coding, I created "Chill lofi day", a playlist with mellow lofi beats and soothing vibes

[Podcast] Data-Oriented Programming with Yehonathan Sharvit & James Lewis

Trevor Noah Interviews Sam Altman

If you like to have (different) music on the background while coding, here’s a good retro synth playlist with NO VOCALS

The Current State of Software Engineering • Jez Humble & Holly Cummins

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