Dairy Foods Helped Ancient Tibetans Thrive in one of Earth’s Most Inhospitable Environments

Ostrich Eggshell Beads Reveal 50k-Year-Old Social Network Across Africa

Ostrich Eggshell Beads Reveal 50,000-Year-old Social Network Across Africa New archeological study shows ancient connection between populations 3,000 km apart, and provides first direct link between climate change and ancient human social behavior

Neanderthals and Homo sapiens used identical Nubian technology

Remains of 17th Century Bishop Support Neolithic Emergence of Tuberculosis

Oldest Connection with Native Americans Identified Near Lake Baikal in Siberia

Humans' ability to read dogs' facial expressions is learned, not innate, suggests the first comprehensive study on this topic

Scientists reconstruct 8 plague viruses from ancient remains

Study finds genetic makeup of northern Europe traces back to migrations from Siberia that began at least 3500 years ago and as recently as the Iron Age, ancestors of the Saami (historically known as Laplanders, a derogatory term in Scandinavia) lived in a larger area of Finland than today.

Oldest bubonic plague genome decoded: A pair of 3,800-year-old skeletons buried together in Russia test positive for a strain of the plague-causing bacterium Yersinia pestis that is ancestral to the strain that caused the Black Death

The plague-causing bacterium may have first come to Europe with the large-scale migration of steppe nomads in the Stone Age, millennia before the first known historical epidemics

Humans have been altering tropical forests for at least 45,000 years

Mitochondrial DNA from Neanderthal individual who died in Swabian Jura in modern-day southwest Germany suggests that Neanderthals received genetic contribution from Africa by hominins that are closely related to modern humans more than 220,000 years ago