
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

The borrow checker within

Claiming, auto and otherwise

More thoughts on claiming

Unwind considered harmful?

Sized, DynSized, and Unsized

Ownership in Rust

Borrow checking without lifetimes

What I'd like to see for Async Rust in 2024

Being Rusty: Discovering Rust's design axioms

EuroRust 2023 reflections - Niko Matsakis

Stability without stressing out

Empathy in open source: be gentle with each other

Polonius revisited, part 1

Easing tradeoffs with profiles ยท baby steps

Polonius revisited, part 2

Higher-ranked projections and the Send bound problem - Niko Matsakis

Giving, lending, and async closures

Thoughts on async closures

Must move types [Linear types proposed for Rust]

Temporary lifetimes in Rust 2024

Observational equivalence and unsafe code (2016)

To async trait or just to trait

Trait transformers (send bounds, part 3)

Async trait send bounds

Return type notation (send bounds, part 2)

Rust in 2023: Growing Up

Rust 2024 the Year of Everywhere?

What I meant by the "soul of Rust"

Dyn async traits, part 9: call-site selection by Niko

Dyn async traits, part 8: the soul of Rust by Niko

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