Testosterone is protective against severe Covid-19, suggests a new study

Choosing sugary drinks over fruit juice for toddlers linked to risk of adult obesity

Printed carbon perovskite solar cells have been described as a likely front runner to the market because they are efficient, cheap and easy to make

New research has indicated that consuming a diet high in the sugar fructose might prevent the proper functioning of peoples’ immune systems in ways that has, until now, largely been unknown.

For decades educators have been advised to match their teaching to the supposed 'learning styles' of students

A fast, green and one-step method for producing porous carbon spheres, which are a vital component for carbon capture technology and for new ways of storing renewable energy, has been developed by Swansea University researchers.

Physical limits of flight performance in the heaviest soaring bird.

Major study shows climate change can cause abrupt impacts on dryland ecosystems

Old newspapers can be used as a low cost, eco-friendly material on which to grow carbon nanotubes on a large scale, finds a new study

Just an hour or two of outdoor learning every week engages children, improves their wellbeing and increases teachers’ job satisfaction, suggests a new study involving three primary schools that had adopted teaching their curriculum in the natural environment for at least an hour a week.

Welcome to Our Sampler of Ancient Egyptian Supernatural Beings

Excessive posting of photos on social media is associated with increase in narcissism

A fifth of the world's biggest fisheries, such as Atlantic Cod and Walleye Pollock are reliant on healthy seagrass meadows

Physicists working at CERN, describe the first observation of spectral line shapes in antihydrogen, the antimatter equivalent of hydrogen

Scientists have found that some people who use the internet a lot experience significant physiological changes such as increased heart rate and blood pressure when they finish using the internet.

Antidepressant prescriptions for children increased 28% in the past decade despite actual diagnoses of depression decreasing